
Our students learn using modern and advanced technologies and gain practical knowledge and experience.

Admission requirements

The 2nd degree programme in Nursing is open to students who completed:


  • a higher professional study programme of the first cycle Nursing within 180 ECTS;
  • a higher professional study programme in the field of nursing prior to the amendment of the Higher Education Act (OJ RS 63/04);
  • the study programme for the award of a Bachelor’s degree in health sciences – the Health Education programme;
  • a higher professional study programme in other professional fields within the scope of Classification P-16: 0913 – Nursing and Midwifery. All applicants to these study programmes must complete the study requirements (differential examinations) of the first cycle Bachelor’s degree programme Nursing (VS) before enrolment:
    • Nursing and Research (9 ECTS)
    • Health and social legislation (3 ECTS)
    • Organisation of work in nursing (3 ECTS)



Additional study requirements that are essential for the continuation of studies are determined according to the diversity of the field of study and comprise a maximum of 60 ECTS. The requirements are determined by the Commission for Academic and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Health Sciences on the basis of the candidate’s application.


In the event of enrolment limitations, candidates will be selected on the basis of:


  • A: 80 % on the average grade obtained in the previous studies and 20 % on the grade obtained in the diploma/project work or diploma examination in the previous studies;
  • B: 100 % on the average grade obtained in the previous studies, if the graduate has not completed the previous studies with a written product (thesis, project work, etc.).



In the event that, according to point A, the graduate completes a written product without a mark, the selection will be based on the criteria set out in point B.

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