Home > Accessibility statement
Faculty of Health Sciences in Celje is committed to ensuring the accessibility of the website www.fzvce.si in accordance with the Law on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications for all users.
This accessibility statement applies to the website www.fzvce.si.
To meet the accessibility requirements, certain adjustments have been systematically provided, such as:
Level of Compliance
The website of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Celje www.fzvce.si is partially compliant with the Law on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications due to the exceptions listed below.
Non-accessible Content
The accessibility of the website www.fzvce.si is constantly monitored, and individual accessibility elements are being improved. However, some published content does not fully meet the accessibility requirements specified by the Law on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications.
Examples of such content include:
Preparation of the Accessibility Statement
Feedback and Contact Information
Due to frequent content updates, visitors browsing the website www.fzvce.si may occasionally encounter accessibility issues despite efforts to make all web pages as accessible and user-friendly as possible. Notices of any non-compliance with the Law on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications, or requests for information in accessible formats, can be sent via email to info@fzvce.si.
You will receive a response within eight days of receiving the notice or request. If we are unable to provide an appropriate response within this timeframe, we will inform you when the response will be provided and the reasons for the delay.
If you discover any non-compliance with the Law on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications, you can file a complaint with the Information Society Inspectorate by regular or electronic mail at the following address:
Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for the Information Society
Davčna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana
T: 01 555 58 48